
Purple crocuses open wide to the sunshine

“This union we share creates harmony within us all.
Feel it within you, in your body, mind and soul.
Allow your heart’s knowing of what it needs to guide you
Toward beauty, grace, and the unlimited self.
Together we can manifest new ways of being and living
And dance in the expansion of life, light, and love.”
Miriam’s guides, the ‘Golden Ones’

This is the 3rd and final message from the Golden Ones for this series. They are happy to be connecting with us, and hope that you will continue to invite them into your lives. What follows are my comments about their message to us.

“This union we share creates harmony within us all.”

In their last message, the Golden Ones invited you to step onto the path of union through love. Now they add that your choice to step onto that path creates harmony in each of us, including them. If you are like me when I began this journey with my guides, it can initially trigger feelings of “oh, I’m not good enough/conscious enough/important enough to think that I can shift what the Divine ones feel.” Yet over the years I have been told repeatedly that my/our choices and actions truly aid them, increasing their understanding of life in a human body. As we learn to resolve past experiences and heal, the guides benefit from our growing harmony.

“Feel it within you, in your body, mind and soul.”

Make an intention to feel harmony within you. Find a memory of when your body felt relaxed, your mind was calm and focused on the present moment, and your soul was filled with quiet joy. It may have been outside in nature walking in the woods. It may have been while immersed in an art project, or while playing your favorite instrument. You might have been dancing, fully tuned into the musical rhythms and melodies. You might have been with loved ones, feeling the laughter flow while enjoying a good meal. Enhance that memory and explore how your body, mind, and soul felt. Invite those same feelings to exist now within you, and practice experiencing them over and over. You can remember, reawaken, recreate, and revel in that feeling of harmony now and every day of your life.

“Allow your heart’s knowing of what it needs to guide you”

You probably have had dreams of how you would like life to be, and heart yearnings for something different, something more fulfilling. Don’t push them away anymore! Invite your heart to speak with you about what it truly wants. Listen, pay attention. Notice what you are drawn to, what brings hope to you, and what might even excite you. Picture that you are opening the doors to your heart’s delight, and explore what your heart desires.

“Toward beauty, grace and the unlimited self.”

Your heart is nurtured by beauty. It needs you to see, feel, and experience the beauty that is around you. It may be a flower, a tree, a painting, a piece of furniture, a friend’s face, anything that resonates in your heart as beautiful. Imagine filling your heart with beauty, and do it daily! The Golden Ones’ use of the word ‘grace’ feels to my heart like total acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness of any mistake or wrong-doing. Grace is sacred, loving, and reassuring. Open your heart to that grace, and let it be a balm that heals past wounds that you carry. Bask in it! Your heart’s wisdom knows how to free you from all that keeps you small. Listen to its nudges so you can grow beyond past limitations, programs and rules. Dare to believe that you are meant for more, and that you have a lot to share with those who are also on the path of union through love. What would life be like if your unlimited self was shining through you?

“Together we can manifest new ways of being and living”

Again the Golden Ones are offering a partnership with you, to assist each other in creating more harmonious energies, actions, and outcomes. See clearly how you have taken an idea from its first thought to its manifested conclusion. It could be a meal you wanted to prepare, a trip you decided to plan, or a project you wanted to complete. Then apply those same steps to the bigger picture of the life that your heart and soul are wanting you to live. Invite the Golden Ones to assist with their insights, and their ability to access the miraculous. Feel their presence, be open to their ideas coming through your being, and envision the successful manifestation of this new initial idea of how you want to be and live.

“And dance in the expansion of life, light, and love.”

Use this imagery of dancing to help you realize your heart’s yearnings and dreams with ease. Imagine that the manifestation of these new ways of being and living is so harmonious that it makes you want to dance with joy! See and feel that life, light, and love filling you, surrounding you, and spreading outward around you. Let it expand your heart, move your body, free your mind, and delight your soul! Know that you are creating waves of harmony throughout the cosmos as you join the Golden Ones to dance in the expansion of life, light, and love.



