
“You live within a precious gift, this body made of matter.

When joined with Consciousness itself, your cells and form renew.  

Awaken to the many glories that your body offers.

Explore each action, thought, and breath, and magnify what’s true.

Focus on the here and now, and dream of your best future.

Create your ideal self and life, Vitality flowing through.”

Miriam’s Human Body Wisdom Guides

This is the 3rd of 3 messages from the Human Body Wisdom Guides. They have enjoyed expressing their words to you in a more rhythmic, musical way than they usually use with me. They say that they are available to any of you who would like to connect with them and communicate with them. I hope you enjoy their message!

“You live within a precious gift, this body made of matter.”

The Human Body Wisdom Guides are reminding you to appreciate and honor this amazing human form in which you exist. There are souls throughout the universe wanting to come to Earth to live in and express themselves through a human body with its voice, movements, and actions. You are blessed to be here, now, in a body made of matter, and you can learn to  treasure that gift!

“When joined with Consciousness itself, your cells and form renew."

As you invite your body to merge with the consciousness of all bodies, and with the consciousness of the cosmos, every aspect of your body can evolve. An old cell of limited vibration can die off and be replaced by a new, vibrant cell alive with consciousness. Each upgrade brings in expansive energy, and cleanses old inflammation and restriction. The newly vibrant cell functions cooperatively with other cells like it, forming new collections of highly functioning cells, tissues, organs, and structures. Even as your body’s chronological age increases, your biological age can decrease, and your body can become healthier and more alive. 

“Awaken to the many glories that your body offers.”

Take some time each day to focus on the wondrous nature of your body. Be grateful for your sense of smell, your ability to taste the flavors in your foods and liquids, the sounds that you can hear, the sights and colors that you see, the feel of a breeze on your face. Tune into your ability to move, to sit or squat, to lie down, stand up and walk, to dance in any position, to use your hands and mind to accomplish tasks around the house or at work. The more you focus on the many gifts that your body brings you, here and now, the less you might focus on what is 'wrong' in you. Make a list of your body’s learned skills, past and present, that you usually take for granted. Do you know how to play an instrument, or to paint, or to knit and crochet? Do you know how to repair cars or fix a sink drain, or build a birdhouse? Each of you is unique and has developed a specific set of abilities and skills that you desired or needed in your life. Bring each under-appreciated ability, skill and action to your mind in the coming days, weeks, and months, and be grateful for them. Notice over time how this shift in focus and gratitude changes the way you think about your body.

“Explore each action, thought, and breath, and magnify what’s true.”

As you become more conscious of the many gifts your body brings you, deepen that awareness. Experiment with different ways of performing an action, such as using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, or using your entire body to reach for an object instead of just your hand and arm. Focus on the thoughts that pass through your mind, and notice what you are saying to yourself about you and your life. Are the thoughts supportive? Are they negative and closed-minded? Are they partial truths that exaggerate the ‘bad’ and minimize the ‘good’? Notice how your body position and your breathing reflect what your thoughts are telling you. If you change your position to an upright stance of power and strength, like Superman or WonderWoman, does that change your thoughts? If you consciously breathe deeply for a few minutes, does that change your thoughts and posture? Start to learn what helps you or hinders you, in each action, thought and breath. Sense what is really true versus what is illusion, delusion, or falsehood. Begin to amplify the truth.

“Focus on the here and now, and dream of your best future.”

Create a balance between the present and the future. As you go through your day, feel each present moment in your body. Be in your body as you start your day and as you choose your clothes. Ask your body what it wants to eat for its best nourishment as you consider breakfast options. Notice how the food tastes as you eat it and as it becomes part of you. Continue each segment of your day, as fully present in the moment as you can be. Then, set aside some time to contemplate an aspect of your future that you would like to see take place, so you can ‘dream it into existence.’ Do you want a more fulfilling job or career? What would bring you joy to do as ‘work’, with the bonus of being paid for doing it? Where might you like to live in the future? See yourself there, enjoying the nature, the people, and the activities available in that location. What sort of relationships do you want in life? Imagine yourself with those loved ones, laughing together, feeling nurtured while nurturing others. See yourself thriving. Know that if you imagine it, you can create it.

“Create your ideal self and life, Vitality flowing through.”

You are the only person who is aware of what you truly need and desire. You have the power and choice to fulfill your own needs. Claim your right to create the best version of yourself, day by day, now and in the future. Feel out what you want, discern what resonates for you, and choose to go after it, making it a part of your daily life. Imagine your body is being filled with vitality, day and night, and feel your cells vibrating with that energy. Invite your entire being to become more aware, more alive, and more vital. As you infuse yourself with the vitality and joy of being here in your precious body, you will transform yourself and the world around you. 


Solstice Pause

