“The youth of your society need your conscious support, newborn to young adulthood.
Bathe their miraculous bodies and radiant souls with your love, joy and acceptance.
Nurture and honor their constant learning as they explore this wondrous life.
Rise above programmed patterns and beliefs, and mentor them with your inner knowing.
Encourage them, redirect them, and model for them how to be happy, capable, and confident.
Empowerment is the reward for all when interactions are filled with harmony and integrity.”
— Miriam’s Relationship Guides
This is the first message of three from my Relationship Guides. They want to share with you some ideas for cultivating stronger connections through relationship, with clearer communication and multi-dimensional growth for all. Today’s message is about building relationship with the young of our society, so as to transform their lives and our shared future.
”The youth of your society need your conscious support, newborn to young adulthood.”
You have probably heard the phrase that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. In this case, it takes a large conscious community acting individually and together to support young people in these often-challenging times. Each child, each adolescent, and each teenager can benefit from having more people of consciousness in their life. How can you get involved and bring your positive influence into some young person’s life? What might you want to share? What can you learn from them?
“Bathe their miraculous bodies and radiant souls with your love, joy and acceptance.”
Enter your relationship with them by maintaining the awareness that they are beings of light and love, experiencing the wonders of their physical body. It can be too easy for young parents to get caught up in the necessities of life and to forget about the spiritual and energetic nature of their children. See if you can focus on the essence of each young person, and envision them as they truly are: joyous beings, here to experience life in a body. Your unconditional love and acceptance of them can expand their foundational sense of who they are.
“Nurture and honor their constant learning as they explore this wondrous life.”
The young are always watching, touching, tasting, moving, trying things out, processing, and making deductions based on their experiences. When you add your conscious support in relationship with them, they are more able to draw correct conclusions. Discern when they might be stumbling, confused, or overwhelmed, and with your expanded consciousness, nudge them in a better direction. Your love, clarity and gentle humor will help them as they continue their exploration and learning.
“Rise above programmed patterns and beliefs, and mentor them with your inner knowing.”
Remember what you disliked about your own experiences as a young person, and consciously reprogram any cultural or familial behaviors that stifled you. Become the mentor that you wished you had, supporting these young people in ways that you once wanted. Pay attention, listen, witness, and allow yourself to sense what is the best way to respond in a given situation. Bring your inner wisdom into your words and actions so you can best assist the young.
“Encourage them, redirect them, and model for them how to be happy, capable, and confident.”
Your life experiences can offer useful stories of how you found your way in life. Be an example of someone who has made their own unique path, and learned from the choices made. Be your true self while you are with them, and support them in being and becoming who they really are, at every age. Entice them, and pique their curiosity with the many possibilities of life. Help them understand that they have all that is needed to be confident, capable, and happy in life.
“Empowerment is the reward for all when interactions are filled with harmony and integrity.”
Your heart will be filled with joy as you see the love, acceptance and encouragement that the young receive from you and from others. Allow your integrity, honesty, inner harmony, and truth to guide you and them. They will benefit from every relationship of consciousness with others, as will you, their families, their friends, and all of our society. We can transform the world by creating strong relationships with our young people, supporting them through joy and empowerment!