
“Your chosen partner and closest friends are meant to support you as you grow.
You and your chosen companions need to accept, nourish, and strengthen each other.
Your soul and personality can then express your essential truths with these beloveds.
Learn and expand through these relationships, with honesty, integrity and joy.
The tasks of life are made much easier when you appreciate each others’ contributions.
Soul growth and resolution of the past are achieved through Love, felt and shared in daily life.”
— Miriam’s Relationship Guides

This is the 3rd and final message from my Relationship Guides. They encourage you to transform all of the challenges you might experience with your primary relationships into the strongest foundation of love that you’ve ever experienced.

“Your chosen partner and closest friends are meant to support you as you grow.”

Unlike your family of origin, the person who is your partner or spouse, and those you call your closest friends are all in your life by your own choices. Do they support you? Do you feel supported by each of them? Do they have expectations of you, and do those feel good, or do they feel restricting? Do these people see you as you truly are? Do you feel safe with them? Are you able to grow and change within these relationships? Can you speak your truth?

“You and your chosen companions need to accept, nourish and strengthen each other.”

Do you feel accepted in these relationships? Are you accepted as you are, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful? Do you accept each of them as they are? Are there ways that you can let go of judgments that interfere in your relationships, and let go of emotions that may have been stuffed in the past? How can you nourish your closest companions? Do you need to ask for nourishment from any of them? What would it feel like to be better nourished in relationship with them? Are you there for them, helping them find their personal power? Do they help you to live from your strength? If any of those essentials are lacking, how can you invite more acceptance, nourishment, and strength into your life with them?

“Your soul and personality can then express your essential truths with these beloveds.”

Do your chosen relationships feel like your ‘beloveds’? Are you free to express your inner self with these companions? Or do you hide behind old patterns in your relationships, not wanting to show your true self? If you felt more of the mutual acceptance, nourishment and strength mentioned by the guides, might you then feel free to be your soul self, fully, and to say and do what your personality wants you to say and do? Are you afraid to say and do things because you don’t want to hurt another? If so, how can you find ways to be yourself, and simultaneously to hold acceptance and compassion for the other person? Being yourself should be a delight to those who love you, not a challenge or a burden. Imagine what it might feel like to be delighted by your partner and your friends, and to see their delight in your words and actions.

“Learn and expand through these relationships, with honesty, integrity and joy.”

Even though you chose these relationships, they do not have to be static. Life is about change, learning, and growth, so allow and invite new energies of expansion into your closest relationships. It may feel a little uncomfortable or even painful at first, but change is the essence of life, and must be part of your relationships. Look at yourself with honesty, and discern what you habits you need to end so you can expand into a better version of yourself. What attitudes or patterns no longer serve you? Have integrity, and honor your needs and desires even as you honor your life companions’ needs and desires. It is through this growth that true joy is felt, the joy of being yourself in your physical body, and of relating with others from that place of truth.

“The tasks of life are made much easier when you appreciate each others’ contributions.”

Cooperation creates support, ease, laughter and joy. Who takes care of the various tasks in your life? Which chores can be shared so that one person is not doing the bulk of the work? Who takes care of the emotional balance in the house and in the primary relationships? Who is conscious of the spiritual flow of energy needed? What does each person in your life bring to you? What do you bring to them? How can each of you step up to contribute more, as well as to receive more? This is the time to create new versions of your relationships so that you are each better supported in daily life. Envision how it would be and feel to live with more harmony. Invite the freedom you desire so you can experience healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

“Soul growth and resolution of the past are achieved through Love, felt and shared in daily life.”

Our journeys in these bodies are an ever-shifting quest for fulfillment. This lifetime is particularly important in the evolution of human consciousness. Individually and collectively, it is a time for truly accepting, forgiving, and resolving the past. Souls need that to fulfill their missions on the Earth. The planet and all of her species need the same for their soul growth. Love infuses everyone and everything, so the more that you as a human can feel love and share love within your closest relationships, the better for all. Envision your body and being filled with the radiance and joy of Love, and express that through your thoughts, words, and actions. Be Love, and Be Loved! Your soul will thank you, your body will thank you, and your closest beloveds will thank you.

