New Beginnings


I recently was encouraged by guidance to return to writing short, infrequent posts for my former clients and others. With the help of a new website, and a client/friend who is assisting with technical questions, I am now able to link these posts to you via email. If you would like to receive them, once or twice a month, please type your preferred email address into the space below. You will receive a confirmatory email response, and once you acknowledge receipt of that, you will be able to receive my future posts automatically. Feel free to share this with friends and family. Thank you!

Check out the page on resources that I have found helpful for myself and for my clients. I will add to it, and add to the website, as clarity emerges more fully from the cold and snows of the past few years of the pandemic. I am in the process of creating new formats for sharing what I have learned in my own healing journey, and in my focus on helping others to heal themselves. I will keep you posted on projects as they are manifested. If you are moved to contribute a testimonial of our work together, please send it to me at either, or at Thanks!


2023: The Year of Transformation