
“It is time to wake up to the truth of who you are! You are consciousness in animal bodies, called ‘humans’. You are limitless, magical, amazing beings of light and love. Your bodies are your temporary mobile homes on Earth, made from the elements of the planet and the energies of the stars. Everything within you is changing moment by moment, and you have the power to transform yourself and your world. So wake up, rise and shine, greet each day in your new body, choose to revitalize your being, and live your truth!”             —  Miriam’s Oneness Guides

Dear ones,

Below I unpack this message from my Oneness Guides who assist in expanding my Oneness, by tuning into each statement one at a time. I am excited to share with you some of the methods that I use to help me apply that wisdom to my life, in the hopes that the ideas will be of value to you as well. Each future blog post will be based on a message from my Guides.

“It is time to wake up to the truth of who you are!”

I talk to myself: Wake up! Pay attention! Listen! Sense! Then I notice what is going on within my body, within my mind and thoughts, within my life. I become aware of those flashes of insight, those hunches, those feelings that come to me. Even if I’m not ready to act on them, I can acknowledge that I’ve gotten the messages, and write them down for later. What feels true to me? What feels wrong to me? What feels imposed on me? Who am I habitually? Who do I desire to be? Am I limiting myself? Am I being me? Can I be me more often?

“You are consciousness in animal bodies, called ‘humans’.”

I imagine that first flash of life when my mother’s egg was penetrated by my father’s sperm, sparking the miraculous sharing of genetic material, and the multiplication of cells that formed the blastula, the embryo, the fetus, and finally my infant body. I pushed my way out into the world, took my first breath as a human animal, and was alive! Now I trace the growth of my body, mind, and spirit through infancy, childhood, adolescence, my teens, and then the decades of my adult body. I bring forward through those many years the awareness of that original life force, that cosmic consciousness, and it reawakens in my current body.

“You are limitless, magical, amazing beings of light and love.”

I envision that light and love within me, expanding and energizing the molecules that make up my body. I send the light and love to my cells, my joints, and my organs, whether they hurt or feel vibrant, choosing to love my body unconditionally. I accept and love my dreams and my yearnings, allowing myself to believe that I can be more, do more, give more, and receive more. I connect with the expansiveness of my soul, the synchronicities of my life, and the wonders of my body and the natural world around me. The more I practice, the easier it is to be more than I have been, to think differently, and to act in new ways. I open my eyes and my heart to the truth of a limitless, magical, amazing me.

“Your bodies are your temporary mobile homes on Earth, made from the elements of the planet and the energies of the stars.”

I appreciate my ‘body car’, taking me wherever I want to go, and allowing me to experience life on the move. It is amazingly mobile, flexible, and able to shift positions and shapes according to my needs. I thank the elements that make up my body: the earth in my tissues, organs, and bones; the water in my cells, blood, and lymph; the air in my breath and lungs; the fire and warmth in my core. I give thanks to the Earth within me, under me, and around me in nature. Then I tune into the light and radiance of the stars, receiving our sun’s heat, rays, energies, and winds into my being. I feel nourished by all the stars, day and night, and I thank them for their gifts to us all.

“Everything within you is changing moment by moment, and you have the power to transform yourself and your world.”

This reminds me that I am not stuck or trapped, and that I no longer have to experience anything that doesn’t feel right. Energies, thoughts, emotions, hormones, neurotransmitters, and even genes, are easily changed. I use my focus and intention as powerful transformational tools to constantly respond to my evolving preferences, needs, and the situations around me. For instance, when I focus on someone’s annoying behaviors I get more aggravated, which increases my stress and decreases my immune response and my well-being. When I focus on what I envision for myself, I easily recenter and balance, helping my body release what no longer serves me, and reclaiming what does serve me. I embrace this inner transformational power, direct it toward desired results, and allow myself to shift with its flow. As I choose to focus on the direction of change for my highest and best good, every aspect of my life continually improves.

“So wake up, rise and shine, greet each day in your new body, choose to revitalize your being, and live your truth!”

What excellent advice! I now thank my body, mind, and wise guidance each morning for the blessed gift of another day of life! I am happy to be awake and alive!

Love, light, and laughter to you,





2023: The Year of Transformation