
“Each being on Earth contains a portion of Cosmic Consciousness, expressed and made unique through that being’s energies, words, or actions. Each individual Soul accumulates experiences during its lifetimes on Earth, leading to growth and wisdom in that being. This specific body in which you live, and this particular lifetime, offer you everything you need to resolve all of your past separations, limitations, patterns, conflicts, and relationships. Focusing your attention on the truth of who you are helps those past issues to be resolved with ease. See yourself as whole, filled with the radiance of your Essence, complete, and fully present. Center yourself in your awakened body and soul, so that healing takes place in all aspects of your being, and in all areas of your life. Your Presence is needed, so Be your vibrant, unique self!” Miriam’s Oneness Guides

My musings on the Oneness Guides’ message for today:

“Each being on Earth contains a portion of Cosmic Consciousness, expressed and made unique through that being’s energies, words, or actions.”

What is cosmic consciousness? What does it feel like? What does it look like? If it is in every being on Earth, that means you can train yourself to sense its presence in a cat or a dog, a flower, a butterfly, or a tree. What might it feel or look like within you? Turn inward, and imagine that you contain that cosmic consciousness. Can you feel it, as harmony, or as balance, or as an inner awareness, a deeper knowing? Can you sense how it guides your energies and your movements? Think about your friends, family members, and neighbors. Do you feel or sense that portion of cosmic consciousness in them? Does it come and go, or is it consistently there? How deeply do you have to look under their human energies, words, and actions to feel its presence? Practice becoming aware of that cosmic consciousness in everyone and in all life around you, so you appreciate how each being has their place in the dance of life on the planet.

“Each individual Soul accumulates experiences during its lifetimes on Earth, leading to growth and wisdom in that being.”

Have you ever noticed how some children seem more mature and wise than others the same age? Or how some young adults take much longer to learn from life experiences than their peers? ‘Old souls’ are those who have cultivated wisdom over many lifetimes on Earth, with a growing awareness in this life that they have already “been there, done that”. ‘Young souls’ are trying to figure out how these bodies work, how to relate to others, and how to find their way through the complexities of modern times. Where do you fit in this idea: are you an old soul, a young soul, or somewhere in between? When you witness others making choices and acting in ways that probably won’t turn out well in the short run, trust that their souls are  providing them with opportunities for growth. Be patient, observe, and grow increasingly wise in your own life.

“This specific body in which you live, and this particular lifetime, offer you everything you need to resolve all of your past separations, limitations, patterns, conflicts, and relationships.”

It is true, there is a wealth of information inside your body, and around you in the form of guides, teachers, mentors, and practitioners sharing their knowledge and wisdom, in-person and online. Any topic of interest can be addressed by communing with your inner wisdom, or accessing numerous books, websites, courses, blogs, and videos. You can be taught to consciously create a connection with the Earth and the Cosmos; you can learn to open and expand your heart through breathing and gratitude practices; you can train yourself to speak and act with clarity and compassion; you can expand your ability to be happy regardless of outer circumstances or stressful situations; and much, much more.  “Ask and you shall receive” has never been more valid!

“Focusing your attention on the truth of who you are helps those past issues to be resolved with ease.”

As you practice seeing and embodying the cosmic consciousness within you, its harmony, balance, and awareness calms your body’s nervous system and opens you more to the truth of who you are (“limitless, magical, amazing beings of light and love”, from the blog “Awakening”). Your own truth then shines into the darkest corners of what were unconsciously held feelings, beliefs, and programs. You realize that there is nothing to fear within you or about you, there is no need to judge yourself, punish yourself, withhold love from yourself, or hide your light. As you accept and love yourself completely, you can release the past and move into a brighter future.

“See yourself as whole, filled with the radiance of your Essence, complete, and fully present.”

Wholeness is a choice, a way of being that empowers you. When you choose to view yourself as whole, shining with your inner light, everything you need is within you or around you in your life. Nothing is missing. You are fully you, inside and out, and you fill every cell, organ, tissue, structure, thought, word, and deed with your wholeness. This is your essence, your truth, and your beauty, unique and filled with love, light, and consciousness.

“Center yourself in your awakened body and soul, so that healing takes place in all aspects of your being, and in all areas of your life.”

Make it a daily practice to honor your awakened body and soul, and feel the energy of healing as it reminds your body of its original template. Your cells respond to your new,  expansive thoughts and vibrations by increasing their vitality and proper function. Your mind, freed from old habits that limited you, receives ideas and inspirations that bring hope and excitement. Your interactions with others are lifted to new levels with patience, awareness, acceptance and understanding. The benefits of this practice are many!

“Your Presence is needed, so Be your vibrant, unique self!”  

Yes! Choose to be vibrant in your body every day and every night! Choose to be fully present in your body and in your life as the unique, conscious, whole being that you are!



